Location and Schedule
May 12, 2024
3100 Jog Road
Greenacres, FL 33467
Event venue, dates, and location are subject to change.
All 2023 USA Roller Sports artistic roller skating events as well World Skate 2023 elite events.
Entry Requirements
First Event: $40
Each Additional Event: $20
Tiny Tot and Star Events: $20
All Domestic Events will skate the second requirement from the Regional Draw which will be posted April 1 by USA Roller Sports.
Junior and Senior World Skate figure events will include one figure and one loop.
CHALLENGE-UPS: No challenge-ups. However, skaters may skate their age appropriate USARS age eligible events that they would be able to skate at the 2023 USARS National Championships.
STAR SKATER: Based on entries, these events will be divided by ages. Southern Region Star Skater Rules will apply.
Blue Star Skaters will skate the Glide Waltz Corner and one repetition of Figure 111B (4 take-offs/one repetition of the figure. Yellow Star Skaters will skate the Glide Waltz and Figure 1B. Green Skaters will skate the City Blues, Circle Loop 114 and Figure 2. Blue Team will skate the Glide Waltz corner. Yellow Team will skate the Glide Waltz. Green Team will skate the City Blues.
BLUE MOVES: This event is for the class skater. This level may include forward and backward skating and scissors, forward and backward crossovers, Turtle Tuck, Shoot the Duck, One foot Skating, Arabesque, Spread Eagle, Bunny Hop, Two Foot Jump Around (180) or Mohawk Turn, and Two Foot Spin. No footwork is required. One item may be a combination of up to 3 listed skills. Time limit is 1:30. (Music provided) Skaters competing in Blue moves will use the whole floor (not half) for their performances.
YELLOW JUMPS & SPINS: This level may include skills from Blue Moves, any half revolution jumps, and any upright spins. Skater may do 3 jumps. One may be a combination (limit 3 jumps). The skater may do 2 spins. One spin may be a combination using 2 different edges. One sequence of footwork MUST be included. Time limit is 1:45 (Music of Skaters choice)
GREEN FREESTYLE: This level may include skills from Blue Moves, single revolution Jumps limited to Mapes, Toe Wally, and Salchow, and IB sit spin. Skater may do 4 jumps. One may be in combination (limit 3 jumps). Spins are limited to 3 different spins (uprights on any edge and IB sit spin) and must include one combination spin (no camel spins). One sequence of secondary footwor MUST be included. Time limit 2:00 (Music of skaters choice)
Glide Waltz, Figure 1B (one repetition), freestyle (limit of 2:00 minutes)
See Regional Requirements
USARS Amateur cards will not be needed for the Star Skater events. However, they must be a Florida resident.
Skaters with USARS Amateur cards will not need to be a Florida resident to participate.
Entry Deadline
April 12, 2024
Sports Rules
For official rules, reference this link. Requirements will be released after the May 1 draw based on the regional requirements.
Gold, Silver and Bronze medals will be awarded to first three places in each Class. At the discretion of the Sport Director additional awards may be given.
Host Hotel
Holiday Inn Palm Beach – Airport Conference Center
1301 Belvedere Road
West Palm Beach, FL 33405
Phone: 561-659-3880
**Please note the discounted rate of $129.00 per night (+ tax). There will be limited number of rooms available at this rate.
CLICK HERE for Competition and Registration Information.
State Director
David Hankerson or Janet Pavilonis
Email: SSGArtisticRollerSkating@gmail.com
FSF Staff Contact
To contact the FSF staff please send an email to games@playinflorida.com.