Location and Schedule
The Florida Sunshine State Games have been postponed until the summer of 2026.
The Florida Sports Foundation looks forward to bringing the Sunshine State Games back in 2026 as an Olympic-Style Sports Festival for amateur athletes of all ages.
Entry Requirements
• Entry fee is $35.
• Each applicant must register online.
• NO registrations will be taken the day of the event.
• All athletes must be a resident of Florida. All athletes competing as Junior Olympic Age Group, Intermediate, Novice. Athletes with disabilities, or Masters must be registered with USA Artistic Swimming. All athletes competing in Open competition do not need to register with USA Artistic Swimming.
• Junior Olympic Age Group Athletes or Masters athletes: You must be registered with a club or as unaffiliated (solo only). For the Jr. Olympic division, top six finishers in solo, duet, and trio from the Northwest Florida Association, Southwest Florida Association, Northeast Florida Association, and Southeast Florida Association Championships qualify to compete at the Sunshine State Games Finals (teams do not have to qualify). All clubs without a qualifier in a specific event will be allowed one entry per age group, per event (including NOVICE division). Clubs may ONLY have 1 solo entry per age group/per division UNLESS there ARE ONLY 2 athletes on the entire club (i.e., athletes are in same age division – both have 1 solo and 1 duet together – and there are NO other routines – trio, team, combo – on that club in which to compete).
• Intermediate, Novice, Athletes with disabilities, Open Divisions: Athletes may enter a maximum of two routines for all 4 divisions. For example, an athlete may enter one routine event in Novice Division and one routine event in Intermediate Division.
ADDITIONAL NOTE: Intermediate • athletes may enter 2 routines total — with the exception of competing on a JO Combo Team event (not available to Novice/Masters/Open/AWD).
• Open Division: Athletes in JO, Intermediate and Novice may ALSO enter 1 OPEN routine event (even if meeting the maximum routines for their respective divisions; example – an athlete might want to swim with a sibling, parent or coach and will NOT be asked to drop a routine swam all season).
• Junior Olympic Age Group Division: Athletes may enter a maximum of three routines (Combo Team is not included in this count).
*CLARIFICATION NOTE: JO athletes with tech/free routines, these count only AS 1 routine for the total routine count (*tech routine = figure competition for 16-17 and 18-19 JO divisions).
*CLARIFICATION NOTE: JO athletes with tech/free routines, these count only AS 1 routine for the total routine count (*tech routine = figure competition for 16-17 and 18-19 JO divisions).
Junior Olympic Age Group Division
Solos/Male Solo, Duets/Mixed Duets, Teams, Acro Teams, Combo Teams (12&Under, Youth and 16-19), Tech routines (16-17/18-19 divisions), 10 & Under, 11-12, Youth, 16-17 and 18-19
Intermediate Division:
Solos/Male Solo, Duets/Mixed Duets, Trios, Teams, Figures
10 & Under, 11-12, 13-15, 16 & Over
Athletes With Disabilities (AWD) Division
Solos/Male Solo, Duets/Mixed Duets, Trios, Teams, Figures
6 & Under, 8 & Under, 9-10, 11-12, 13 & Over
Novice Division
Solos/Male Solo, Duets/Mixed Duets, Trios, Teams, Figures
6 & Under, 8 & Under, 9-10, 11-12, 13 & Over
Masters Division (age 20 and older, age groups listed in 10-year increments)
Open Division Solos, Duets/Mixed Duets, Trios, Teams (One age division) (NO FIGURES)
Sport Rules
o Novice Division: • Athletes must perform the U.S. Artistic Swimming novice elements Technical Required Elements # 1-5 must be performed in the order listed. 1. Figure # 310 Somersault Back Tuck [DD 1.1] 2. Figure #100 Bent Knee, Alternate (DD 1.1) 3. No-Arm Boost – a rapid, head-first rise, with a maximum amount of the body above the surface of the water. The No-Arm Boost is begun with the body totally underwater or with the back of the head and/or torso flush with the surface. The No-Arm Boost is completed upon total submergence. [DD 1.0] 4. Figure # 302 Blossom [DD 1.4] 5. Figure # 316 Kipnus [DD 1.4] 6. Technical Required Elements # 1-5 must be performed simultaneously and facing the same direction by all competitors. Mirror actions are not permitted during the Technical Required Elements. See Article 3, Section 3.01. 7. Acrobatic Movements are not permitted.. Time limit is 1:30 for routine music of a coach’s choice. (No Coaches Card).
o Intermediate Division: Routine times are listed in World Aquatics Rules. Note: For scoring purposes, the Intermediate Technical Required Elements should be listed in the Integrated Sports Systems scoring program as follows: Element # 1 – Tower Element # 2 – Boost with 1 arm Element # 3 – Ballet Leg, Single Element # 4 – Kip, Bent Knee Element # 5 – Barracuda.
o Open Division: All routine times are 2:00 plus/minus 5 seconds – 10 seconds deck work. Open Division is for all athletes of any age. No minimum time. Free routines and music. (No Coaches Card)
o Junior Olympic Age Group Division: As established by USAAS/World Aquatics. Appendix L 2023
Coach Card: For all routines, it is required that the Technical Required Elements # 1-5 (technical routines only), Free Elements (Hybrids and Acrobatic Movements) and Transitions be declared and submitted on the Coach Card. The Coach Card must indicate the degrees of difficulty for each Element selected to be performed, and the order of performance selected. The Coach Card must be submitted prior to the competition. • Exception: The Coach Card is not required for Novice, AWD, Masters and OPEN divisions for SSG.
o Master Division: As established by USAAS. Masters division is for athletes ages 20 and over. No minimum time. There will be no distinction between tech or free routine events for this competition. (No Coaches Card).
o Athletes With Disabilities: Guidelines for AWD is located on the USA Artistic Swimming Website.
Figures (Current FINA Quad)
12 & UNDER AGE GROUP/Junior Olympic Figures
106 Straight Ballet Leg 1.6
301 Barracuda 1.8
363 Water Drop 1.8
401 Swordfish 2.1
YOUTH/Junior Olympic Figures
352 Venus 3.0
204i Albatross, Spin UP 360 2.5
101 Ballet Leg, Single 1.6
301 Barracuda 1.8
369 Walkover, FRONT 1.9
315 Kip Bent Knee 1.8
100 Bent Knee, Alternate 1.1
201 Dolphin 1.4
302 Blossom 1.4
316 Kipnus 1.4
Entry Sheets
In addition to completing the Sunshine State Games online registration, all teams or individuals must also complete one entry sheet FORM A for Novice, AWD, Intermediate, Open, Masters and Junior Olympic Age Group. You can obtain these sheets from www.usasynchro.org. All sheets must be emailed by May 28, 2024. Please e-mail all Form A entries and list of judges and volunteers (all clubs must volunteers available to assist with this Florida-wide meet) to Lorraine Valerino, Sunshine State Games Artistic Swimming Event State Director mackquinn@aol.com AND Jeanie Saunders, Scoring – flsynchroscoring@gmail.com.
Mary Rose Sunshine State Games Grant Program
In partnership with the USA Artistic Swimming Foundation, the Florida Sports Foundation is proud to offer the Mary Rose Sunshine State Games Grant Program, in memory of the late Mary Rose. The mission of the grant is to fund short-term projects that lead to ongoing, self-sustaining programs, or the growth of artistic swimming. Please visit www.synchrofoundation.com for more information. The Grant Program is funded through proceeds from participation in the Sunshine State Games.
Gold, Silver and Bronze medals will be awarded to first three places in each division. Ribbons for 4th-8th places will be awarded. At the discretion of the Sport Director additional awards may be given.
Hotel Information
Hotel information is forthcoming.
Registration information is forthcoming.
State Director
Lorraine Valerino
(863) 660-1401 or mackquinn@aol.com
Local Chairperson
Anna Whitman
Jeanie Saunders
Beth Moore