Location and Schedule
The Florida Sunshine State Games have been postponed until the summer of 2026.
The Florida Sports Foundation looks forward to bringing the Sunshine State Games back in 2026 as an Olympic-Style Sports Festival for amateur athletes of all ages.
Marathon Events: Short Course – 6 miles; Long Course – 12 miles
Marathon Junior (17 and Under)
Marathon Open
Marathon Mixed Open
Marathon Master (40+)
Marathon Senior (50+)
Marathon Veteran (60+)
Entry Requirements
- Pre-registration entry fee is $40. Athletes may compete in both events. On-site registration entry fee for Marathon is $55. NO refunds..
- With registration in one event (Sprints or Marathon), athletes can register to compete in the other event at a 50% discount. Two days of competition for $60.
- Each applicant must register online.
- Applicants must note partner’s name on Individual Entry Form for C-2 and K-2 events.
- Applicants must note boat classes under column labeled “Rating/Rank/Class/Belt” on Individual Entry Form. See format section for boat classes and divisions offered.
- You may enter only one age group division for the day.
Format/Boat Classes
Olympic C-1
Olympic C-2
Kayak K-1
Kayak K-2
Outrigger C-1
Outrigger C-2
Sport Rules
- This competition will be conducted in accordance with United States Canoe Association and United States Canoe & Kayak Federation rules for competition.
- Recreation: Recreation and novice paddlers, recreation canoes only: NO braces or bent shaft paddles allowed.
- Standard: Experienced recreation paddler, recreation and standard canoes, foot braces/bent shaft paddles allowed.
- Competition: Experienced paddlers, competition canoes, foot braces/bent shaft paddles.
Gold, Silver and Bronze medals will be awarded to the top three finishers in each division.
At the discretion of the Sport Director additional awards may be given based on age group of the paddler.
Hotel Information
Hotel Information is forthcoming.
Registration information is forthcoming.
FSF Staff Contact
To contact the FSF staff please send an email to games@playinflorida.com.
Sport Director
John Edwards
(727) 459-6366 or canoechamp@aol.com