2024 Sunshine State Games Events

Location and Schedule
The Florida Sunshine State Games have been postponed until the summer of 2026.

The Florida Sports Foundation looks forward to bringing the Sunshine State Games back in 2026 as an Olympic-Style Sports Festival for amateur athletes of all ages.

Nage No Kata Tori/Uke
Ju No Kata Uke/Tori
Open Kata Tori/Uke
Katame No Kata Tori/Uke

Junior Categories
Bantam 1
(Born 2018):
Female and Male: 18, 22, +22 kg

Bantam 2 (Born 2017):
Female and Male: 19, 23, +23kg

Bantam 3 (Born 2016):
Female and Male: 21, 25, 29, +29kg

Bantam 4 (Born 2015):
Female and Male: 22, 26, 30, 34, 38, +38 kg

Bantam 5 (Born 2014):
Female and Male: 25, 29, 33, 37, 41, 41+kg

Bantam 6 (Born 2013):
Female and Male: 27, 31, 35, 39, 44, 44+kg

INTERMEDIATE (Born 2011-2012):
Female and Male: 28, 31, 34, 38, 42, 47, 52, +52kg

JUVENILE (Born 2009-2010):
Female and Male:
36, 40, 44, 48, 53, 58, 64, +64 kg

CADET (Born 2006-2008):
Female: 40, 44, 48, 52, 57, 63, 70, +70 kg
Male: 50, 55, 60, 66, 73, 81, 90, +90 kg

IJF-Junior (Born 2003-2008):
Female: 48, 52, 57, 63, 70, 78, +78 kg, Open
Male: 60, 66, 73, 81, 90, 100, +100 kg, Open

For seniors, novice, and veterans, we use standard weights:
Male: 60kg, 66kg, 73kg, 81kg, 90kg, 100kg, +100kg, open
Female:48kg, 52kg, 57kg, 63kg, 70kg, 78kg, +78kg, open

Veterans, same weights above but with the following ages:
Age 30-34; Year of Birth 1993-89; Female, F1; Male, M1
Age 35-39; Year of Birth 1988-84; Female, F2; Male, M2
Age 40-44; Year of Birth 1983-77; Female, F3; Male, M3
Age 45-59; Year of Birth 1976-72; Female, F4; Male, M4
Age 50-54; Year of Birth 1971-67; Female, F5; Male, M5
Age 55-59; Year of Birth 1966-62; Female, F6; Male, M6
Age 60-64; Year of Birth 1961-57; Female, F7; Male, M7
Age 65-69; Year of Birth 1956-52; Female, F8; Male, M8
Age 70-74; Year of Birth 1951-47; Female, F9; Male, M9
Age 75-79; Year of Birth 1946-42; Female, F10, Male, M10
Age 80+; Year of Birth 1941 and earlier; Female, F11; Male, M11

Only coaches with current Governing Body (USA Judo, United States Judo Association or United States Judo Federation) issued credentials will be permitted access to the staging and competition areas. Coaches that do not bring their issued credentials will be require+
d to purchase a tournament coaches pass for $20 during Friday night registration and weigh-in. Coaches that do not have proper credentials on Saturday may purchase a late tournament coaches pass for $40 at the discretion of the tournament director. NO COACHING will be allowed within the staging area. It will be the coaches’ responsibility to use the designated chair located on the opposite side of the staging area, if needed. Please contact the Florida Sports Foundation with any questions.

1. Modified double elimination format.
2. Each match will last four minutes, the “Golden Score” time limit is not in affect for this event.
3. Competition will be by age group, division, skill and weight. All Bantam, Intermediate and Juvenile age group novice divisions will be combined white through yellow belt skill. All Bantam, Intermediate and Juvenile age group advanced divisions will be combined orange belt and above skill. All Senior and Master age group novice divisions will be combined white through green belt skill. All Senior and Master age group advanced divisions will be combined brown belt and above skill.
4. Kata competition will be coed all ages.
5. Tournament Director has the right to change the competitor’s weight class and divisions as deemed necessary, as well as to combine divisions based upon participation.
6. Any requests to change divisions or pools much be submitted by the athlete’s coach along with a completed parental consent form (if fighting in a higher weight or skill class). Requests for changes must be made by a date TBD. All requests must be submitted at the designated time. NO EXCEPTIONS! Request will not be heard after 9:00 a.m. Only changes approved by the tournament director and officials will be implemented.

Entry Requirements
1. Weight must be entered in kilograms and within 1 Kg of actual body weight. Weigh-ins will be conducted at the respective clubs. Weigh-in sheets must be signed by the club coach and received via email by a date TBD. All weights are subject to verification by tournament director to within 1kg.
2. Please note Kata partner name on application under column labeled “Partner”.
3. Please name Kata when competing in Open Kata division under column labeled “Rating/Rank/Class/Belt”.
4. Men & Women Juniors must provide proof of age by providing a copy of birth certificate.
5. All registrants must weigh-in their respective clubs. Weigh in Sheet must be received by a date TBD. Weigh-in sheet must be signed bty the club coach. Weights are subject to verifications as needed by the tournament director (1 kg allowance)
6. All registrants must be a member of USA Judo, United States Judo Association, United States Judo Federation or ATJA. Competition will be held under the hospices of the Florida Sports Foundation.
7. Please note club name under “School” field and instructor’s name under “Coach” field.

Sport Rules
1. This tournament will be conducted in accordance with International Judo Federation Rules Modified.
2. No armbars (kansetsu waza) or choking (Shime Waza) shall be allowed in any novice category.
3. No Shime Waza (choking technique) in ages 6-12.
4. No Kansetsu Waza (joint locking technique) in ages 6-16.
5. The Tournament Director has the right to change the competitor’s weight division and categories as deemed necessary.

Tentative Entry Fee
$75.00 pre-registration. NO REFUNDS
(Each additional division is $30.00 for allowable divisions only)

1. Gold, Silver and two Bronze medals will be awarded to the top finishers in each pool.
2. Medals will be awarded at the conclusion of the Bantam & Intermediate divisions competition, Juvenile divisions competition and Senior & Master divisions competition.
3. Awards will be given for outstanding Judoka Junior Female, Junior Male, Senior Female and Senior Male.

Registration information is forthcoming.

Hotel Accommodation
Hotel information is forthcoming.

FSF Staff Contact
To contact the FSF staff please send an email to games@playinflorida.com.

State Director
Dr. Ricardo Menendez
(305) 898-1625 or rm2701@bellsouth.net