2024 Sunshine State Games Events

Location and Schedule

August 25, 2024

Hard Rock Stadium

Daily Schedule
Sunday, August 25
Updated Schedule (As of Friday, August 23)

8:00 a.m.: Men’s Doubles 19+ (3.0)

8:45 a.m.: Men’s Doubles 19+ (3.5)

9:15 a.m.: Men’s Doubles 19+ (4.0/4.5)

9:45 a.m.: Men’s Doubles 35+ (3.0)

10:15 a.m.: Men’s Doubles 35+, 50+, 60+ (3.5/4.0/4.5)

11:45 a.m.: Women’s Doubles 19+ (3.0/3.5)

12:15 p.m.: Women’s Doubles 35+ (3.0/3.5)

1:15 p.m.: Men’s Doubles 50/60+ (3.0)

2:10 p.m.: Women’s Doubles 35+, 50+, 60+ (3.0/3.5/4.5)

3:15 p.m.: Women’s Doubles 35+, 50+ (4.0/4.5)

All players need to check in at the desk 30 minutes before start time.

The format is Round Robin in all brackets. All matches are games to 15 in a round format.

Entry Requirements and Fees
1. Pickleball entry fee is $35 per person, $70 per team
2. Registration is closed. No late entries will be received. NO REFUNDS
3. The age division of competition for doubles will be determined by the younger age of the two partners as of December 31 of the competition year.
4. Competitors must bring their own paddles. Pickleballs will be provided.
5. Franklin X balls will be used during competition.

Sport Rules
1. All matches will be conducted in accordance with USA Pickleball Association (USAPA)/International Federation of Pickleball (IFP) rules found online at www.usapa.org, except as modified.
2. A coin flip will determine first choice of service or side. If the winner chooses to serve or receive, the loser picks starting side. If the winner chooses starting side, the loser chooses to serve or receive. Sides and initial service will be switched upon completion of each game. Sides will be switched in a third game (if the match is 2 out of 3 games) after the first team reaches a score of 6 points. Serve remains with the player holding serve.
3. All questionable calls must be resolved in favor of the opponent.
4. Served balls clearing the non-volley zone and landing on any service court line except the non-volley zone line are good.
5. Balls in play landing on any side or back court line are good.
6. All serves must be made underhand at or below the servers waist (i.e. contact with the ball must be made at or below the server’s waist). Underhand is defined as the paddle head shall be below the hand when striking the ball.
7. Players will be responsible for calling their own lines up until at least the final match in each age class. Line officials may be provided for the final match in each age class at the discretion of the Event Director.
8. When net systems have a horizontal bar that may include a center base: If the ball hits the horizontal bar or the center base before going over the net, it is a fault. If the ball goes over the net and then hits the horizontal bar, IT IS A LET AND MUST BE REPLAYED. If the ball goes over the net and then hits center base or the ball gets caught between the net and the horizontal bar before touching the court, it is a let and must be replayed.
9. All matches will be played outdoors.
10. Format changes are at the discretion of the Event Director.

Hotel Information

Registration is closed.

FSF Staff Contact
OJ Hill

Tournament Director
Andy Rubenstein
(954) 439-2900 or andyacr@aol.com