2024 Sunshine State Games Events

Location and Schedule

The Florida Sunshine State Games have been postponed until the summer of 2026.

The Florida Sports Foundation looks forward to bringing the Sunshine State Games back in 2026 as an Olympic-Style Sports Festival for amateur athletes of all ages.

• All color belts with color tips will compete within the division of their belt color (i.e. blue belt with brown tip, entry division will be blue).
• Belt classes are defined as follows: white; yellow & orange; green; purple & blue; brown & red; and black.
• Event Director has the right to change the competitor’s weight division and categories as deemed necessary.
• All applicants participating in the WT Poomsae competition will be required to present the designated poomsae as indicated below for their division and belt.
• Electronic scoring will be used for all divisions.
• Sparring competition will be single elimination for all Color Belts and Black Belts.
• Black Belt sparring competitors 12+ must determine if you will compete in Grass Roots sparring competition (Saturday) or World Class sparring competition (Sunday). You must compete in your current age category (no moving up from Junior to Adult no exceptions). You cannot compete in both Grass Roots and World Class Divisions. Grass Roots will incorporate junior safety rules for all sparring divisions; World Class will be under full head contact adult rules. Grass Roots competitors cannot participate in the Grand Champion Sparring competition set forth below.
• World Class 12 and up Black Belt Divisions will use Daedo Electronic chest guards. PARTICIPANTS ARE REQUIRED TO SUPPLY THEIR OWN DAEDO ELECTRONIC FOOT PADS. Either GEN 1- or 2-foot pads are allowed. NO FOOTPADS WILL BE AVAILABLE FOR PURCHASE AT THE EVENT.
• Grand Champion Black Belt Sparring Competition: World Class Male Winners in the 18-29 and 30-39 divisions shall be combined in a single elimination sparring competition. World Class Female Winners in the 18-29 and 30-39 shall be combined in a single elimination sparring competition. All weight classes are combined with seeding being determined by random drawing.
• Grand Champion WT Poomsae Competition Black Belt: Male and Female winners of the 10-17 age groups will be combined into 1 division and Male and Female winners of the 18 to 30 age group will be combined into 1 division and Male and Female winners of the 31 and up age group will be combined into 1 division. Competitors shall compete presenting 1 poomsae of their choice. Poomsae must be chosen from the competitor’s specific age group of allowable poomsae in accordance with USAT poomsae matrix. By example a 10-year-old athlete cannot present Hansu, and a 40-year-old athlete cannot present Taegeuk 3.

Entry Requirements / Fees
Early Registration Online only
• $75 – one event – Individual
• $20 – each additional event (excluding Family, Pair, Team, and Demo Team events)
• $65 – Family Poomsae
• $65 – Pair Poomsae
• $65 – Team Poomsae
• $200 – Demonstration Team

Registration Online only
• $80 – one event – individual
• $20 – each additional event (excluding Family, Pair, Team, and Demo Team events)
• $70 – Family Poomsae
• $70 – Pair Poomsae
• $70 – Team Poomsae
• $225 – Demonstration Team

Late Registration Online only
• $90 – one event – individual
• $20 – each additional event (excluding Family, Pair, Team, and Demo Team events)
• $75 – Family Poomsae
• $75 – Pair Poomsae
• $75 – Team Poomsae
• $250 – Demonstration Team

On-Site Registration
• $100 – one event – individual
• $30 – each additional event (excluding Family, Pair, Team, and Demo Team events)
• $85 – Family Poomsae
• $85 – Pair Poomsae
• $85 – Team Poomsae
No On-Site Demonstration Team Registration

• Register online at www.sunshinestategames.com. Late registrants are not guaranteed an athlete gift, so register early!

• Registration for Coaches Credential is $25 on-line. Register online at www.sunshinestategames.com.

• The on-site registration fee is $100 for the first event and $30 for each additional event per participant. On-site registration for Coaches Credential is $50. NO refunds. Only cash, checks and money orders are accepted at the door. Only special entry forms provided on-site will be accepted for late registration.

• Registration entry fee for Family Poomsae Open Division or Family Poomsae World Class division as set forth herein is for the team (of up to 8 persons). Only 1 team member should register for this event but must include all team member names in the designated team information field. This is a separate registration fee from the other events and cannot be used as/or towards an additional event. If an individual in a Family Poomsae event is also competing in individual poomsae, sparring, weapons, and or breaking, that individual will be responsible for those event registration fees separately as set forth herein.

• Registration entry fees for WT Pair and Team Poomsae divisions as set forth herein are a separate registration fee from the other events and cannot be used as/or towards an additional event. Only 1 pair or team member should register for this event but must include all member names in the designated pair or team information field. If an individual in the WT Pair or Team Poomsae division is also competing in individual forms, sparring, weapons, and or breaking, that individual will be responsible for those event registration fees separately as set forth herein.

• Registration entry fee for the Demonstration Team Event (from 5 to 25 persons) as set forth herein are a separate registration fee from the other events and cannot be used as/or towards an additional event. Only the Team Coach should register for this event but must include all team member names in the designated team information field. Be advised that at least one-half of the team members participating in the Demonstration event must compete in 1 additional event and that individual will be responsible for those event registration fees as set forth herein.
• There is no on-site registration for Demonstration Team event.
• No day of competition registration will be allowed for Sunday events.
• No coaches will be allowed in the competition area without coaching credentials. No parents or spectators will be allowed in the competition area.
• Each applicant must complete an Individual Entry Form and Waiver of Liability and submit them by the entry deadline or register online at www.sunshinestategames.com .
• It is the responsibility of the applicant to confirm their registration by visiting www.sunshinestategames.com.
• Color belt Applicants may enter the following events: sparring, breaking, weapons, traditional/open forms, family poomsae open division, WT Pair or Team color belt poomsae divisions, and the Demonstration Team event.
• Black Belts may enter the following events: sparring – grass roots or world class (but not both), breaking, power breaking (*), weapons, traditional/open forms, Family Poomsae Open (with a color belt team member) or Family Poomsae World Class division (all black belt members), WT Poomsae individual, Pair, and or Team poomsae, and the Demonstration Team event. (*) ONLY 18 and above BLACK BELTS may enter the power breaking division.
• The Para Divisions are specifically designed for those athletes who train with physical or mental limitations, such as an amputee or an athlete with MS, Down Syndrome, Asperger Syndrome, etc. The divisions allow them to compete on a playing field that allows consideration for their limitations but encourages their warrior spirit as Tae Kwon Do athletes. Please note your specific limitation in the field labeled “additional information”.
• Team Poomsae events may consist of 3 male or 3 female athletes competing as a “team”. Pair Poomsae events may consist of 1 male and 1 female athlete competing as a “pair”.
• Family Poomsae Open and World Class Divisions Participants will present 1 form, either a color belt form in the Open Division or a black belt form in the World Class Division. Standard scoring will be applied, (not WT poomsae rules). Synchronization, focus, and power are some of the criteria that will be considered as part of each team’s score. The use of music is allowed however, it cannot contain any political or religious elements, abusive or obscene language. If the music is found offensive, the group may be disqualified at the tournament director’s discretion.
• Demonstration Team event will consist of between 5 and 25 members, all belt ranks are allowed.
o The performance will be held on a 10×10 contest area, allowing for one-minute to set up, a maximum of seven (7) minute performance time, and one-minute clean-up time.
o Music for the performance cannot contain any political or religious elements, abusive or obscene language. If the music is found offensive, the group may be disqualified at the tournament director’s discretion.
o Team must supply their own speaker to play music at the performance area.
o Props for the purpose of holding boards may be used, no other props are allowed.
o No stationary props may be used to elevate a person during the performance (i.e. chair, table, blocks, etc.). An individual team member may assist in elevating a member during the performance for the purpose of high breaking technique.
o Only wood may be used for the breaking material during the performance (no use of cement or bricks). The team must provide their wood breaking materials.
o No head strikes are allowed during the routine.
o Use of weapons during the performance is allowed, however, no weapon can contain a sharp edge.

• Individual Breaking Competition. All boards must be purchased at the competition venue upon check-in. The Tournament Director must approve all breaking boards. All breaking competitors must supply their own holders. Only Cash, Check or Zelle payments will be accepted.

• Power Breaking will consist of ONLY 1 station and the participant may utilize any of the following materials: wood, cement, brick, tile, granite. The center referee will make ringside inspection of the breaking materials. The participants will be REQUIRED to provide all cement, brick, tile, and granite.

• Refunds will be available 14 days prior to the start of the 2024 Sunshine State Games event. Athletes have a 30-day window from the completion of the event to submit requests in writing for review. An administrative fee of $15 may apply to each refund request.

Sport Rules
• This tournament will be conducted in accordance to modified World Taekwondo Federation and USA Taekwondo rules for competition.
• All USA Taekwondo Junior Safety Rules apply.
• 11 and under color belt divisions and 7 and under black belt divisions may not kick the head. 8-9 and 10-11 black belts are allowed head contact under Junior Safety Rules (light head contact). 12 and up color belts will be allowed head contact under Junior Safety rules.
• 12 -14 Black Belt Cadet – must identify at the time of registration if they are sparring under Grassroots (Junior Safety rules, held on Saturday) or under World Class (adult rules, held on Sunday). Only 12-14 World Class competitors are eligible for entry into the scholarship lottery.
• No headshots will be allowed for any Sunshine Warrior (Para) Sparring Divisions.
• For divisions allowing full head contact, the WT/USAT scoring criteria will be used: 3 points for head contact; additional 2 points for spinning technique to the head; 4 points for turning/spinning kick to the body; 2 points for kick to the body and 1 point for all other legal scoring actions.
• For sparring competition, World Taekwondo Federation / Olympic style only.
• For Traditional/Open Poomsae competition, any recognized Korean form is acceptable. For WT/USAT Sport Poomsae forms, please see designated poomsae listed below and it will follow a modified cut-off method for competition 12 or less final round; 13 + preliminary and final rounds.
• Competitors must provide headgear (White or Blue & Red), chest protectors (Blue or Red), forearm protectors, shin and instep protectors, mouth guards and protective cups (for both male and female competitors), WT approved hand protectors are optional. Uniforms should be white V-neck style for color belts and V-neck black collar for all Black Belts. All 12 and older Black Belt Divisions will use the Daedo Electronic chest protectors. These items will be provided at tournament. You must supply your own Daedo electronic footpads (Either Gen 1 or 2 footpads are allowed). If you do not have the scoring footpads, you may purchase them at http://daedotruescore.corecommerce.com/Electronic-Sparring-Gear/EFoot-Gear-p21.html

WT Designated Poomsae (Forms) – Black Belt Divisions 1st – 9th Dan

WT Individual Poomsae
Divisions – Preliminary – Final
Black Belt
Youth (10 – 11 years) Taegeuk 3 – Taegeuk 5 – Taegeuk 6
Cadet (12 – 14 years) Taegeuk 5 – Taegeuk 4 – Koryo
Junior (15 – 17 years) Koryo- Keumgang, Taegeuk 7
Under 30 (18 – 30 years) Keumgang – Pyongwon – Taebaek
Under 40 (31 – 40 years) Taegeuk 7 – Taegeuk 6 – Shipjin
Under 50 (41 – 50 years) Koryo – Jitae – Taebaek
Under 60 (51 – 60 years) Hansu – Keumgang – Jitae
Over 60 (61+ years) Taebaek – Chonkwon – Hansu

WT Black Belt Pairs and Teams Poomsae
14 and under (10 – 14 years) Koryo – Taegeuk 5 & 7
Juniors (15-17) Keumgang – Taegeuk 6 & 7
Under 30 (18 – 30 years) Taegeuk 7 – Taegeuk 8 & Pyongwon
Over 30 (31 + years) Taebaek – Shipjin & Jitae

WT Designated Poomsae – Color Belt Pair and Team Divisions **
WT Color Belt Pair & Team Poomsae
Divisions – Preliminary – Final
Yellow – Taegeuk 1 – Taegeuk 2
Green – Taegeuk 4 – Taegeuk 1 & 3
Blue – Taegeuk 3 – Taegeuk 5 & 6
Red – Taegeuk 7 – Taegeuk 4 & 8

**Color belts competing as pairs or teams may combine belt colors within their team,
however, the pair or team will be required to perform based upon the highest belt rank
within their pair or team according to this chart.

• Gold, Silver, and Bronze medals will be awarded to the top three finishers in each event. Two Bronze medals will be awarded in sparring and WT Poomsae divisions.
• First, second and two (2) third place trophies will be awarded to the Family Poomsae Open Division, Family Poomsae World Class Division and Demonstration Team events.
• A team trophy will be awarded to the top Taekwondo School, with the largest number of participants. In case of a tie, the tie-break will be based upon the number of 1st place finishes by each school. Please be sure to indicate your TKD school name when completing your registration form.
• Scholarship awards for black belt sparring and sport poomsae ONLY. Minimum 3 competitors per group as outlined. Listed amounts are minimums award amounts:
o Cadet (12-14) and Juniors (15-17) – male and female winners of each weight class will receive a scholarship lottery ticket. At the conclusion of all matches, 1 winning ticket for a male competitor and 1 winning ticket for a female competitor from the Cadet division, 1 winning ticket for a male competitor and 1 winning ticket for a female competitor from the Juniors division will be drawn to receive a $200 training scholarship to be used towards 2024 National competitions or the 2025 State Championships.
o Adult Males (18-39) – winners from each weight class combine to compete for the $500 Grand Champion scholarship.
o Adult Women (18-39) – winners from each weight class combine to compete for $200 Grand Champion scholarship.
o Senior (40+) – male and female winners of each weight class will receive a tournament lottery ticket. At conclusion of all matches, one winning ticket will be drawn for a male competitor and one winning ticket for a female winner will be drawn to receive the $200 scholarship.
o Male and Female winners from the WT Poomsae 10-17, 18-30 and 31+ age categories shall compete in the Grand Champion Black Belt Poomsae Challenge – athletes will present 1 form (as set forth above), highest overall score in these two divisions receives the $200 training scholarship to be used towards 2024 National competitions or the 2025 State Championship.

Age & Weight Classes**
Note: We are utilizing the date of December 31 of the given year (December 31, 2024) to determine the age of all competitors. Example: If an athlete turns 14 on October 26, 2024, they will compete as a 14-year old in the 2024 Sunshine State Games Taekwondo Championship, even though they are 13 years old at the time of this event.

Poomsae (Traditional/Open) / Goypka (Breaking)
• Junior Age Divisions: 5 & Under, 6-7, 8-9, 10-11, 12-13, 14-15, 16-17
• Men/Women Age Divisions: 18-29, 30-39, 40-49, and 50+.
Family Poomsae Open and Black Belt Divisions. No age criteria, minimum of 2 team members with a maximum of 8 team members competing as a team. Open division must contain at least 1 color belt member; however, black belts can be part of this team. Black Belt division must consist of all black belt members.
Power Breaking – Black Belt only
• Men/Women Age Divisions: 18-29, 30-39, 40-49, and 50+
• Color belt Junior Age Divisions: 5 & Under, 6-7, 8-9, 10-11, 12-13, 14-15, 16-17
• Black Belt Junior Age Divisions (Grass Roots): 5 & Under, 6-7, 8-9, 10-11, 12-13, 14-15, 16-17
• Black Belt Junior Age Divisions (World Class): 5 & Under, 6-7, 8-9, 10-11, 12-14, 15-17
• Men/Women Age Divisions (Grass Roots and World Class): 18-29, 30,39, 40-49 and 50+

** Except for 15-17, 18-29 and 30-39 years old Black Belt sparring divisions, all weight divisions (Poomsae, Breaking, Weapons & Sparring) will be classified as Light, Middle or Heavy. Additional sparring weight divisions may be added at the time of competition based upon number and weight of the competitors in a specific sparring division. However, this modification is at the sole discretion of the Event Director. There are no weight divisions for WT Poomsae and no weight divisions for Power Breaking or Weapons.

15-17 yrs Black Belt Sparring weight classes (Grass Root & World Class)
Classification – Male – Female
Fly – Under 105.8 lbs. – Under 97.0 lbs.
Feather – 105.9-121.2 lbs. – 97.1-108.0 lbs.
Welter – 121.3-138.9 lbs. – 108.1-121.2 lbs.
Middle – 139.0-160.9 lbs. – 121.3-138.9 lbs.
Heavy – Over 170.0 lbs. – Over 139.0 lbs.

18-29 and 30-39 yrs Black Belt Sparring weight classes (Grass Root & World Class)
Classification – Male – Female
Fly – Under 127.9 lbs. – Under 108.0 lbs.
Feather – 128.0-149.9 lbs. – 108.1-125.7 lbs.
Welter – 150,0-176.4 lbs. – 125.8-147.7 lbs.
Middle – 176.5-190.0 lbs. – 147.8-162.0 lbs.
Heady – Over 190.1 lbs – Over 162.1 lbs

Hotel Information:
Hotel Information is forthcoming.

Registration information is fortcoming.

FSF Staff Contact
To contact the FSF staff please send an email to games@playinflorida.com.

State Director
Master James White
(813) 347-6594 or tkdjameswhite@gmail.com

Assistant Director
Master Deborah White
(813) 690-1027 or dpwpoomsae@gmail.com