2024 Sunshine State Games Events

Dates and Location
The Florida Sunshine State Games have been postponed until the summer of 2026.

The Florida Sports Foundation looks forward to bringing the Sunshine State Games back in 2026 as an Olympic-Style Sports Festival for amateur athletes of all ages.


  • Mixed 12 & Under
  • Mixed 14 & Under
  • Boys 16 & Under
  • Girls 16 & Under
  • Boys 18 & Under
  • Girls 18 & Under
  • Men Open
  • Women Open
  • ***If an athlete played on a team issued a suspension from the previous year (2023) the athlete will also be suspended for the current games (2024) and not allowed to play on another team’s roster. ***


  • Each team is guaranteed four scheduled games.
  • Bracket size will determine format.
  • Females may play with Men’s and Boy’s teams (assuming age eligibility) from their club, as long as their club does not enter a female team in the same age group.
  • Players will only be allowed to play for one club no matter the age division.

 Sport Rules

  • United States Water Polo / Fina Rules, with the following exceptions
  • Six-minute quarters.
  • Brutality is a tournament suspension.
  • Red Card- Players or coaches that receive red cards will be served a 1 game suspension for the division they received the red card in. Athletes and coaches who receive a red card will not be able to participate in other divisions until their suspension is served in the division in question.
  • Seeding and tiebreaker rules will be provided with final game schedule.
  • Final rosters with pictures of players and coaches must be printed and submitted at the mandatory coaches meeting at a date to be determined.  Rosters may have a maximum of 20 players. No changes will be permitted after the start of the first game. Roster shall be verified with USAWP printed roster. Coaches should have a printed copy of their rosters with them at all times.
  • If a team is found to be playing unrostered athletes, said team will forfeit all future matches and be removed from the tournament.
  • Players shall wear the same cap numbers for the entire tournament.
  • ALL athletes competing MUST have a minimum Silver membership with USA Water Polo.
  • Athletes and Coaches are permitted to compete with one club only. Competing with multiple clubs will not be allowed.
  • There is a strict No Refund Policy. Any team that forfeits or is a no show to a game is subject to a $125 fee for the game.
  • The Florida Sports Foundation reserves the right to remove and/or permanently suspend teams, coaches, or athletes from the current and/or future tournaments if teams do not uphold Code of Conduct for the Tournament.

Entry Fee
$600 per team. Registration deadline is closed.

The winning team in each division will receive a plaque while the individuals on the top three teams will each receive a gold, silver or bronze medal, respectively.

Hotel Information
Hotel information is forthcoming.

Registration information is forthcoming.

FSF Staff Contact
To contact the FSF staff please send an email to games@playinflorida.com.

State Director
Anna Rosen